Home USA News Sunday school teacher charged in WA child porn case

Sunday school teacher charged in WA child porn case

Sunday school teacher charged in WA child porn case


A former high school teacher who also taught Sunday school has been charged with possession of child pornography, Washington police said.

Redmond police arrested 70 years old Douglas Mirdink on Monday, November 7th. He faces charges of possession of images of minors engaging in sexual conduct, as well as sexual exploitation of a child and assault, according to jail records.

Police received an electronic tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Police did not say when the tip came in.

The tip led to an investigation, a search of his home and an arrest.

The investigation continues, Meerdinka is awaiting trial. He is being held in the King County Jail on $200,000 bond, according to reports.

While the investigation continues, authorities told the Redmond Reporter they are concerned man’s access to children and suggested that parents and guardians have “open conversations with children about inappropriate in-person and online communication.”

Police are asking anyone with information about this case to call 425-556-2500.

Brooke (she/they) is a McClatchy Real-Time reporter covering LGBTQ+ news and national parks in the West. They studied journalism at the University of Florida and previously covered LGBTQ+ news for the South Florida Sun Sentinel. When they are not writing stories, they enjoy spending time with their cats, horseback riding, or spending time outdoors.

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