Home USA News How do you know Wes Moore from Maryland? Policy Experts –...

How do you know Wes Moore from Maryland? Policy Experts – Telemundo Washington, DC (44)

How do you know Wes Moore from Maryland?  Policy Experts – Telemundo Washington, DC (44)

A project that Democrat Wes Moore met en el primer negro gubernador de Maryland, devolviendo el poder a los démócrats al detrotar al republicano Dan Cox, un delegato estatal. Cox was endorsed by president Donald Trump, but not by current Republican governor Larry Hogan, who is about to finish his last term.

Moore, an army combat veteran and former executive director of one of the country’s largest poverty-fighting organizations, based his campaign on creating equal opportunities for residents of Maryland.

“Habla más de sociales problems que sobre el gobierno en sí,” said Sunil Dasgupta, un profesor de ciencias líticas en la Universidad de Maryland en el condado Baltimore and host of the “I Hate Politics” podcast, o “Odio la lítica” en español. “Eso es lo que hace, de eso ha hablado durante su campaigna.” ¿Por qué no debieromos esperar que así será?»

Moore will also have the opportunity to work with a considerably Democratic legislature.

“I think it will be interesting to see how Maryland is when there is a united Democratic government that seems to fulfill the promise of diverse representation… that the Democratic Party has tried to hold nationally,” said Mileah Kromer, who teaches political science at Goucher College. be Towson, Maryland.

Los democrats have a budgetary surplus with which they are working and a plan, said Dasgupta.

“Van a poner algo de dinero en el fundo para tiempos difículos”, he added. “Van a fortalecer la fuerza laboral estatal. Van a hacer ese tipo de cosas y van a financier la educación”.

Moore supports the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, or the Plan para el Futuro de Maryland en español, legislation passed in 2021 that aims to improve early childhood education and public education, increasing education financing by thousands of millions annual dollars during the next decade.

Moore también hizo campaign para mejorar la economia y dijo que cree en supporter y proteger a los sindicatos para lograr ese objetivo.

In a debate with Cox, negó que tenía planado aumentar los impuestos.

After the decision of the Supreme Court of the EU. de annular a Roe v. Wade este año regresó el tema a los estados para que lo resolvieran, Moore dijo: “El abortion es.” [parte de la] atención médica”.

“I trust fully that women take this decision with their doctors,” he said in his unique debate with Cox.

Moore affirmed that he wants Maryland to be a safe place for the right to abortion and supports an amendment to the state constitution to make the procedure un right.

The right to abortion is already protected by Maryland law, and the General Assembly approved legislation this year to expand access to abortion.

Moore also indicated that he hopes to guarantee affordable medical attention for people with behavior disorders, mental health and substance abuse.

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