Home USA News Kiwanis Club Nov 22, 2022 – Washington Daily News

Kiwanis Club Nov 22, 2022 – Washington Daily News

Kiwanis Club Nov 22, 2022 – Washington Daily News

Kiwanis Club November 22, 2022

Posted at 19:53, Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Dr. David Loup, president of Beaufort County Community College, was the guest speaker at the Washington Kiwanis Club meeting on November 22. Dr. Loop (pictured below) was introduced by Paige Davis.

Dr. Loup said the BCCC has three main goals. 1. Break the cycle of poverty in Beaufort County. 2. To grow the middle class. and 3. Do not allow our Beaufort County citizens to work in Beaufort County.

In his view, this can be accomplished through our community college workforce training.

BCCC’s annual budget is $18 million, of which about $14.3 million comes from the state and $3.8 million from the county. BCCC has more than 300 faculty members (some full-time, but most part-time), and post-COVID, students who score nine or more and have a 2.0 GPA will have their tuition and fees covered by federal funds. When that money runs out, the county has pledged another million over the next four years to fund the effort. This resulted in a significant increase in registrations.

The college teaches a wide range of subjects and its signature programs include boat building, nursing, fire ambulance and law enforcement, agribusiness, welding and advanced manufacturing. The college is constantly expanding and is currently building new classrooms on the main campus and at the Aurora satellite site.

The Kiwanis Club of Washington meets every Tuesday for lunch at the King Chicken on Carolina Avenue, Washington. The club welcomes prospective members who are interested in serving the community.

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