Home USA News #4ThePeople: Kootenay County elections prepare for Election Day in cold weather

#4ThePeople: Kootenay County elections prepare for Election Day in cold weather

#4ThePeople: Kootenay County elections prepare for Election Day in cold weather

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – Voters may have to deal with icy roads as they head to the polls in Idaho on Tuesday. Election officials are asking volunteers to head to the polls early to be ready for voters.

“I can tell it’s difficult for voters,” said Jim Brennan, Kootenay County Clerk.

Election officials say voter turnout this year could be higher than the last midterm election in 2018.

Many polling stations may be more crowded.

“We contacted our poll workers and judges today and told them to come early so they could make sure everything was set up,” Brennan said.

Because Idaho state law requires polls to open at 8 a.m.

“We are well aware of the dangers that can exist, especially in this weather,” said Leslie Orth, operations manager at the Post Falls Senior Center.

The Post Falls Senior Center has been a special voting center in Kootenay County for many years. The manager of the Center says that they are making sure that the center is ready to receive voters.

“We are plowed. We will have de-icer to avoid ice. It’s very easy. You can just drive up to the front door,” Orth said.

From her experience, she suggests that voters should come late in the morning or in the evening.

Election officials say that if people don’t vote at the polling stations, they should bring their stamps to the election commission.

“You can’t take it back to the polling place because they’re not equipped to handle any ballots that weren’t dropped into their polling place,” Brennan said.

Voters can also send their stamp coupons to the Election Commission by 8:00 p.m. Tuesday.

READ: #4ThePeople: Election security high in Kootenai County despite uncertainty

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