Home Entertainment Drake Bell has disclosed that he experienced sexual assault during his teenage...

Drake Bell has disclosed that he experienced sexual assault during his teenage years, perpetrated by a dialogue coach associated with Nickelodeon


Drake Bell has revealed himself as the unnamed minor involved in the 2004 sexual assault case that led to the conviction of Brian Peck, a former acting coach for Nickelodeon’s “All That” series. Bell shared his story in the Investigation Discovery documentary “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV,” which highlights the challenging working environment under Dan Schneider, a prominent figure in Nickelodeon shows.

In the documentary, Bell describes how the abuse occurred at Peck’s home over several months, during which Peck manipulated him by turning him against his father and isolating him from his family. Bell recounts waking up to Peck sexually assaulting him one morning, feeling trapped and unable to escape the situation.

Eventually, Bell confided in his mother, leading to Peck’s arrest in August 2003. Peck pleaded no contest to charges of lewd acts upon a minor and oral copulation of a person under 16, resulting in over a year of imprisonment and registration as a sex offender.

Nickelodeon expressed support for Bell, acknowledging the trauma he endured and commending his bravery in coming forward. However, the network did not address allegations against Dan Schneider, emphasizing his advocacy for child actors on his shows.

The documentary sheds light on the challenges faced by young performers in the entertainment industry, highlighting the need for vigilance and support from industry professionals and authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of child actors.